Government and AFC clash over assent to Bills

Government and AFC clash over assent to Bills

President Donald Ramotar’s decision not to assent to Opposition Bills passed by the National Assembly has resulted in the opposition party, Alliance for Change withdrawing its support for the Government Anti money Laundering Bill. The AFC has indicated that it will continue to withhold support for the Bill until the President signs into law those Opposition Bills which were passed by the National Assembly and establish a public procurement commission.

At a Wednesday midday Press Conference, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said his party wants it to be made clear that they will only give support to the money laundering bill when the President reconsiders his decision not to assent to Opposition Bills that were passed in the Assembly. President Ramotar had indicated that he would not be assenting to any of the Opposition Bills once they did not enjoy the input and support of his Government. The Opposition parties hold the majority in Guyana’s Parliament.

The Government has come out criticising the decision of the Alliance For Change with Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh expressing his concerns over the AFC Decision. In a statement issued through he Government Information Agency, Dr Singh said ““What the AFC is essentially saying is that, irrespective of how important this Bill is, or what the consequences of its non-approval would be, they are not prepared to support it because there are other political issues on which they wish to extract concessions from the Government”.

The AFC is maintaining its position, making it clear that the President’s position is “totally ridiculous”

The Speaker of the National Assembly has also raised some concerns over President Ramotar’s decision not to assent to Opposition Bills that were passed by the Assembly.


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