US will stand with Guyana in the face of “bullies and tyrants” -Ambassador Theriot

US will stand with Guyana in the face of “bullies and tyrants” -Ambassador Theriot

The US Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot, has made clear the unwavering US support of Guyana in the border controversy with Venezuela.  

Speaking at a reception on Thursday evening to observe US Independence Day, Ambassador Theriot said in the face of “bullies and tyrants”, the US will always stand with Guyana and the relationship between the two countries will continue to grow.  

“Our military partnership is the strongest it’s ever been. Guyana has hosted Tradewinds, bringing over
1,000 partner nations’ personnel for exercises promoting regional stability. We have had countless
military-to-military engagements. We have allocated significant foreign military financing to support
the Guyana Coast Guard under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative, and we have worked with the
GDF on institutional strengthening, air domain awareness, cyber defense, and in many other areas”, the Ambassador said.

Noting the development of the US-Guyana relations over the years, the US envoy said the US Government will continue its support of Guyana and the Caribbean, especially in the area of security. 

Ambassador Theriot noted the strong trade ties between Guyana and the US, explaining that the commercial ties between the two countries are deeper than ever.

She said “just a few years ago, we traded a few $100 million US worth of goods, but last year, we surpassed $4.6 billion US! We now have over 100 U.S. companies in Guyana, and that number is growing every day. Through trade missions, conferences, and exchanges between our private sectors, our companies are unleashing economic growth that supports the employment of thousands, providing a better future for Guyana. And it is occurring in many sectors. Energy, of course, is a key economic driver, but we see activity in areas of healthcare, education, and agriculture.”

President Irfaan Ali in his address last night, highlighted the deep relations between Guyana and the US, and also praised cooperation between the two countries in a number of areas, especially security.  

“This has brought tangible results in every aspect of our security architecture, whether it’s our fight against illicit drugs, whether it’s our fight against money laundering, whether it’s the fight against criminal activities, movement of arms, we are seeing tangible results as a result of the work we’re doing together”, the President said.

He said the US and Guyana’s relationship is about building and supporting peace in Guyana and the region, while noting that both countries will continue to strengthen their relations.

“We have no apologies for the strong bond and relationship that we have with SOUTHCOM (US Military Southern Command) because we believe that we share the common values and we share the same interests in ensuring that this zone remains a zone of peace and this zone and our sovereign right is protected and I want to make it very clear, because the propaganda can be different. There is no conversation between the US and Guyana in our security architecture that seeks to fuel any act of aggression or anything in this region. Every single conversation in this relationship is about keeping this region safe and peaceful and keeping the people in this region in an environment in which they enjoy the rule of law”, Ali noted.

Both the US Ambassador and the President also noted  the growth of trade relations between the two countries.   

The US will be celebrating its 248th Independence anniversary on the 4th July.  

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