Aubrey Norton returned unopposed as PNC Leader; Resolution passed for Party Leader to be Presidential candidate

Aubrey Norton returned unopposed as PNC Leader; Resolution passed for Party Leader to be Presidential candidate

The People’s National Congress Reform released results from its internal elections early this morning at Congress Place. Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton, has been returned to the position of party leader. He was unopposed for the position as the other nominees for the position all announced their wirhdrawal from the race. Returning Officer for the party’s elections, Vincent Alexander, announced this morning that Norton had secured 98% of the votes cast by delegates for the position of party leader.

Over the weekend, the party’s congress also passed a motion that the elected Leader of the PNC Reform shall serve as the party’s presidential candidate at the next general elections. The motion allows for the Party Leader to decide on another person as the Presidential Candidate for the party, if he so chooses.

With talk of a PNC led coalition going into the next elections with a possible consensus Presidential Candidate, Norton is on record as saying that the party will determine who should be that candidate.

The Returning Officer also announced that Shurwayne Holder has been returned as Chairman of the party with a landslide victory over the other competitors for the position. Elizabeth Niles and Vinceroy Jordan have been voted back in as the Co-Vice Chairpersons. Economic Adviser to the party, Elson Lowe, has been elected to the position of Treasurer of the PNC Reform.

With over 100 candidates competing for the other 15 positions on the party’s executive committee, it was announced this morning that the vote count for those positions is still ongoing and results are expected later today.

Re-elected Chairman of the party, Shurwayne Holder, in a statement this morning praised the work of Aubrey Norton as Leader of the PNC, explaining that over the past two years, Norton has traveled to every region of the country and has been on the ground meeting with the people of Guyana and looking into their concerns.

Holder said the party conducted a transparent congress and elections and will now be refocusing its efforts on the next national elections.

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