New allegations of sexual assault filed by woman against former Government official

New allegations of sexual assault filed by woman against former Government official

A former official of the current Government is facing allegations of rape and sexual assault by a woman, who said she worked at the Government agency he was in charge of.

At a virtual press conference today, a former employee of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development chronicled details of an alleged rape and sexual assault involving the former Government official.

The woman held a press conference today to announce that she has filed a full police complaint and is looking forward to a thorough investigation and justice.

News Source made repeated efforts to get a comment from the Government official today, but calls to his mobile phone numbers went unanswered. The Guyana Police Force also did not offer any comment on the complaint.

The woman told the media today that she has filed reports to the Police on two alleged incidents of sexual assault and rape in 2020 and 2021.

She claimed that during a conversation with the then Government official, at the Anna Regina State House, she was grabbed by him and taken to a room, where she claims the assault took place.

“…he grabs my body and tries to kiss me on the mouth, pulling himself onto me. I immediately turn away and persistently said that nothing can happen because I am fully into women and that this is not something I came here expecting to do and can’t offer anything,” the woman recalled. 

She claimed that she was held against her will and sexually assaulted, even as she tried to fight the official off.

“My dignity and sanity went out the window and I was crushed. I completely disassociated as this man goes down on me and he used his tongue to have oral sex with my vagina and anus. I don’t know how long this goes on for but I began to sob silently,” the victim detailed. 

The young lady said during the ordeal, she was asked to perform sexual acts, but refused. She said she just wanted to leave the building.

She said the second alleged incident took place in 2021 at a house where it is believed the official was living at the time. She also provided details to the media about that alleged incident.

According to the woman, she felt intimidated against filing an earlier police complaint.

A police investigation is ongoing.

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