Opposition presses Government to begin cost of living relief measures from approved budgetary allocation

Opposition presses Government to begin cost of living relief measures from approved budgetary allocation

The Opposition APNU+AFC believes the Government is still ignoring the impact that the rise in the cost of living is having on citizens.

At a press conference today, the Economic Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, Elson Lowe, said more than three months since the passage of Budget 2024, there is still no word on the $7 Billion that was approved for cost of living relief.

“The Guyanese people are no longer surprised by the PPP government’s heartless attitude towards alleviating the burdens and struggles of daily existence in Guyana. The government is clearly more interested in doling out funds to its cronies for contracts awarded illegally and corruptly than giving the workers of Guyana a living wage.   We should recall that in the previous two budgets, the government had to be relentlessly pressured to disburse the funds for cost-of-living relief. When it did, it waited until the very end of the year to play PPP-styled Santa Claus politics. Meanwhile, workers in Guyana continue to live in poverty”, Lowe said.

The Government has said that it has been putting a number of systems in place to address the cost of living issue, while creating more jobs.

But the Opposition wants to see persons benefiting directly and immediately from the approved funds.

Lowe said “we note that Irfaan Ali is reported as promising public servants “the best welfare package by 2030”. When in Opposition, he had pledged these benefits by 2020. Then he later said by 2025. Just two weeks ago, he moved his promised deadline to 2027. Now, the deadline is by 2030. In the next few months he will likely promise by 2040. Such is the deceit. Such is the disdain for workers and other common Guyanese that this government harbors. While manifesting an unwillingness to pay Guyanese workers a living wage it is doling out to friends, families and favourites contracts to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. How is it you can ask workers who lack the means to feed their families to wait until 2030 while giving those who have the means to live billions of dollars?”

As Guyana gears up for national elections next year, the APNU has said that it remains committed to implementing a people-centered vision of development that puts people first.

The APNU+AFC has been moving through a number of communities as part of a listening tour to understand the issues facing citizens, and how best those issues could be addressed.

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