Oil Companies and contractors reminded of need to prioritise hiring of Guyanese nationals

Oil Companies and contractors reminded of need to prioritise hiring of Guyanese nationals

The Local Content Secretariat has written to a number of companies involved in oil and gas, and related sectors, reminding them of their obligation to prioritise the hiring of Guyanese nationals in keeping with the Local Content Act.

In a statement today, the Ministry of Natural Resources explained that in the letter, the companies were reminded that in cases where a Guyanese national has the relevant qualification for a job, but lacks the requisite experience, the Guyanese national shall benefit from necessary training for the position.

The Ministry said contractors, subcontractors, and licensees are required under the Act to ensure that Guyanese nationals employed to support their operations continuously benefit from training and capacity development.

The Local Content Secretariat has indicated to the companies that it will soon be conducting audits to ensure compliance with the Local Content Act.

As part of those audits, Contractors, Subcontractors, and Licencees will be required to submit evidence to prove that Guyanese nationals are being given the opportunity to apply for new and vacant
positions, ensuring a level playing of benefits between Guyanese nationals and non-Guyanese applicants, and consideration for overcoming experience gaps for Guyanese national applicants through training and mentorship.

The secretariat said failure to comply with the requirements of the Act would render the
Contractor, Sub-Contractor, or Licensee non-compliant and therefore hinder the receipt
of the Local Content Certificate of Compliance and other related approvals.

There have been some concern expressed that many of the companies involved in contract work for the petroleum sector have been bringing in workers, while the same skillset may be available in Guyana.

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