The Government of Guyana is moving to roll out its substantial housing project.
Minister of State, Joe Harmon announced on Friday that Cabinet through an application from the Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has given its approval for the construction of some 758 Housing Units in regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10.
The Units will total some $5B and marks the first phase of a programme to develop low cost housing, targeting particularly, public sector employees, youths and low income earners. The units will include duplexes and town houses.
The units are expected to attract a cost of $5.4M each. In terms of repayment arrangements for the units, inclusive of monthly costs, the Minister could not disclose.
However, Minister Harmon stated that “…..the project is expected to start, almost immediately and it is anticipated that within the space of 12 months it will be completed. This, as I said, is the initial phase as over the next 2 years, we will be rolling out housing developments, housing communities in several other communities of Guyana. The important distinction that we want to make is that we are not just issuing house lots we are building homes within communities for the citizens of this country”.
Questioned on the application process, Minister Harmon explained that it will be the same as in the case whereby persons would have applied for house lots. The Minister of State added that he believes there are some 25,000 applications in the Ministry of Communities, Department with responsibility for housing for many years.
He added that there has been some amount of sorting and there are over 1,500 applications that were narrowed down to benefit from the Government’s initial move. However, it will be an ongoing exercise.
In relation to construction of the homes, Cabinet, he added, has encouraged to a large extent, the support of Guyanese businesses – through the purchase of local materials and the utilization of the services of local contractors.
The Minister of State noted that the Ministry of Communities will be elaborating more on the initiative.
Last January, Minister with responsibility for Housing, Valarie Patterson had stated that already plans are afoot to jump start the process. The department will through an exhibition, commence what is considered a pilot phase.
The town houses, duplexes and condominiums were listed by Minister Patterson to go sale along with inspection by those interested.
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