Opposition Leader Bahrrat Jagdeo believes that Guyana’s economy and citizens are worse off under the APNU+AFC coalition government than under any People’s Progressive Party government.
Jagdeo’s comments come as the governing APNU+AFC coalition is entering its third year in office.
Reflecting on the government’s performance over the last two years, the Opposition Leader said Guyanese are no better off than they were when the coalition took office in 2015.
He said citizens are “at the bottom of hardships in Guyana.”
Mr. Jagdeo also told reporters that based on the policies of the government, things are likely to get extremely worse and will be characterized by loss of jobs, less investments, and escalating crime.
“The entire country would agree that the government’s list of achievements is Ludacris, farcical and absurd and designed to cover up its failure,” he added.
While avoiding specific criticism, Jagdeo said the government has failed to meet expectations, failed to deliver on promises and is still clueless where the country is going in terms of development.
“This government is a masterpiece of incompetence, it has a cabinet that is constantly in confusion and disarray, and most things they say and do are contradictory. We have seen an unprecedented attack on the judiciary, the government is kleptocratic, divisive and discriminating against people while hiding under slogans of good governance,” he said.
The Opposition Leader said there is decline in almost every sector of the economy with constant excuses and continued extravagant spending by the government.
But two years after entering office, the Coalition Government, which had vowed to reduce corruption and increase accountability, believes it is performing well.
In a newspaper advertisement, the coalition government said it has more than 125 achievements, including lowering the Berbice Bridge tolls, a cleaner city, holding of Local Government Elections in more than two decades, less piracy and more transparency.
In the two-page spread, the coalition insisted that Guyana is “moving forward”. (Kurt Campbell)
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