In a strongly-worded statement, the Guyana Trades Union Congress and the Guyana Public Service Union declared today that they stand in full support of workers and other members of the public who are against forced vaccinations.
The two unions said they will fiercely defend the rights of workers and citizens with every legal method available to them.
According to the joint statement, the Government’s current approach to managing Guyana’s Covid-19 pandemic is nothing short of government/employer tyranny.
The unions said the blatant violation of laws and transgression of workers/citizens’ rights are abominable.
They noted that effective management of the health crisis necessitates decision-making which must be guided by science, laws, and resources; with broad meaningful involvement of all the stakeholders, including the Trades Union Movement.
“The Trades Union Movement will not condone willy-nilly infringements of the right of workers/citizens”, the statement said.
The two unions see the government’s vaccination policy as a new breach of individual rights and freedoms coupled with “despicable and unlawful coercion tactics”.
The unions said coercive mandatory vaccination policies which pressure citizens into receiving medical treatment against their will is a violation of the Medical Practitioners Act (Act No. 16 of 1991) and the Ministry of Health Patient Charter 2018.
According to the GTUC and the GPSU, the recent lockout of Health Care workers which occurred at the Linden Hospital Complex and The COVID 19 Hospital, as well as Maritime Workers, is a breach of Article 12 of Public Utility Undertaking and Public Health Services (Arbitration) ACT Chapter 54:01 and the Avoidance and Settlement of Dispute.
The unlawful request for workers to cover the expense of their COVID 19 test required by regulation is a transgression of Article 47 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act Cap 99:10 Part IV.
The unions also noted that threatening workers who exercise their rights is a violation of Article 58 of Occupational Safety and Health Act Cap 99:10 and denying public access to health care is a breach of the unconditional right of every citizen to free medical attention and social care enshrined in the Constitution.
The unions said governing authorities trying to pursue herd immunity by arrogance and brute force should not be encouraged.
“We are opposed to the unilateralism displayed by the government in the management of a crisis that requires collaboration. We are opposed to the use of any vaccine not approved by the only international authorizing agency- the WHO. We are most concerned about the safety and health of the working class and their families. But surely the Government cannot realistically expect all the people of this country to simply ‘trust and obey’ as if there is no other way”, the two unions noted.
The GTUC and the GPSU believe the government must address several issues surrounding the vaccines including the shortage of the Sputnik 2nd dose shots which has left thousands of persons not fully vaccinated.
The union said the government has failed to get its act together in fighting the pandemic and must not now prevent citizens from accessing government services because of its own shortcomings and those citizens exercising their rights.
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