Leonard does not believe AFC’s negotiating power in the coalition has been weakened because of LGE results

The results from yesterday's elections are not as fit and proper as the AFC might have liked them to be.  The party performed poorly in all of the areas where it contested, failing to win a single constituency. 

Leonard does not believe AFC’s negotiating power in the coalition has been weakened because of LGE results

The Alliance For Change decided to step away from its national coalition partner and head into the local government elections on its own as the “fit and proper” alternative to the other parties.

The results from yesterday’s elections are not as fit and proper as the AFC might have liked them to be.  The party performed poorly in all of the areas where it contested, failing to win a single constituency.

AFC Region Four Chairman, Michael Leonard, today said he believes the results are actually showing the AFC where it is as a party.

Questioned about whether he believes the results of the elections could weaken the AFC’s negotiating capacity for the coalition agreement, Leonard said he does not think so.

“It is very clear from the results all across the country that the APNU by themselves cannot defeat the PPP, so it seems as though the coalition is necessary and we have said before we believe in coalition politics, so I don’t see anything happening or changing with the Cummingsburg Accord”.

Leonard said it when it comes to national elections, every vote counts and so there could be no discounting of any one vote.

He admitted that at the Local Government Elections, the majority of voters appeared to be persons over the age of 40 and most youths stayed away from the elections.

Leonard said he is not disappointed and does not believe that his party did bad, but he believes there was a lot of disinterest in the local elections and that will have to be addressed.




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