Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, who is chairing his party’s manifesto committee, today offered a glance at some of the commitments and promises that his party will be making at the next elections.
Mr. Jagdeo backed up his Presidential Candidate’s position that the PPP would create 50,000 new jobs once elected to office.
The party will be relying heavily on the oil sector for such an undertaking. But Mr. Jagdeo told journalists today that the 50,000 new jobs figure is actually conservative and his party could actually create many more.
“For those who think this is an ambitious number, the 50,000 jobs, this is a conservative number because we believe we can do much better because of the incentive programmes that we are working on”, Jagdeo said.
He said his party is currently working on a package of incentives to support job creation and that will cover all sectors of the economy.
The Opposition Leader also said an Irfaan Ali led government would offer concessions to the service industry to get that industry to also assist in job creation.
Jagdeo is also promising that some taxes will be reduced while other taxes will be abolished. He said his party has already identified which ones will be abolished and which ones will be reduced.
He said “we are looking at a detailed set of programmes that will strengthen governance institution to fight corruption”, he promised adding that his party now sees “an absolute need to not only strengthen but to create new ones to ensure there are swift penalties”.
Questioned about his party’s own issues with corruption, Mr. Jagdeo who has in the past admitted that corruption existed under his PPP government said while the current government has also accused the past government of corruption, it has failed to point out the corrupt activities since taking office.
He said he has seen cases of corruption under the current government and that needs to be tackled.
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