The Governance and Security Committee of the Private Sector Commission is requesting yet another meeting with the Public Security Minister and the Police Commissioner to raise concern about the crime situation in the country.
Although official statistics provided by the Police Force has shown a decrease in criminal activity, there continues to be a widespread concern across the country about incidents of crime.
In a statement on Wednesday night, the Private Sector Commission said it wants the meeting “to address the increasing and wide-spread public concern over the manifestly frightening and disturbing incidents of violent crime across the country.”
According to the Private Sector Commission, while it acknowledges the most recent success of the police in confronting violent crime in Berbice and recognises the continuing efforts of the police to meet the growing challenge threatening the safety and wellbeing of every citizen, the Commission believes that much more can and should be done to meet this challenge.
The Commission said it is deeply concerned that insufficient progress is being made with regards to the implementation of Security Sector Reform.
A few months ago, the Police Commissioner announced that the plan was being implemented.
But the Private Sector Commission believes that there is considerable room for enhancement in intelligence gathering and analysis than is currently in place.
The Commission said it is convinced of the need for significantly greater human and financial resources being placed at the disposal of the Police Force.
Over $35 Billion was allocated to the security sector in the last budget, with the Police Force receiving a big chunk of that pie.
But the Private Sector Commission believes that there is a much greater need for public confidence and trust in the Police Force.
The Commission said it looks forward to a strong and uncompromising standard of leadership in the security forces.
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