Teenage schoolboys in custody for robbery and murder of Mon Repos man

Teenage schoolboys in custody for robbery and murder of Mon Repos man

Police investigators are continuing their probe of the murder of 33-year-old machine operator, John Williams, who was stabbed to death while being robbed by three teenagers.

According to information released by the Police, Williams who is from the East Coast community of Mon Repos, was walking along Commerce Street in Georgetown just after 9pm on Saturday night, when he was attacked and cornered by the three teenagers. One of the teens, grabbed the man’s backpack and while he was reportedly fighting them off, he was stabbed to the chest by another one of the teens.

The three escaped from the scene after the injured man fell to the ground. Persons in the area contacted the Police and an Emergency Medical Team responded and rushed the injured man to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The Police said the three murder suspects are 14, 15 and 19-years-old.

The two younger ones, who have since been arrested, are both high school students, while the 19-year-old, who remains on the run, has been listed as unemployed. Investigators said the oldest teen is from the Beterverwaghting community. The Police said the murder weapon was found in the possession of the 15-year-old.

The investigations remain active.

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