Top performers elated with NGSA Results

Top performers elated with NGSA Results

Gaining 503.34 marks out the 504.24 total, Success Elementary School student, Alisha Scheller has emerged as the top performing student at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examinations. The results were released this morning by the Ministry of Education.

The top student, who is already on vacation, was represented at the presentation of the results by a relative. She will begin her high school life at Queen’s College in September.

Meanwile, Kaiya Daniels of Green Acres Primary, came in second with 503.27 marks, and Lucas Spooner of Mae’s Under 12, secured the third position with 502.44 marks.

In total, 197 students have gained places at Queen’s College.

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand offered congratulations to all of this year’s NGSA students, and said she is pleased with their performance this year. She said investments in the Education sector are paying off.

“I am very please to see that we are finally, appear to be and fingers are crossed, climbing out of the COVID hardship that we had, that really hit us in the Education Sector, very very hard as it did countries around the world, and we are finally seeing results that showed that, we have taken some good sound decisions, even at times when we ourselves didn’t know they were right, because we hadn’t had that COVID experience before, and that our investments in text books and breakfast and more trained teachers, and resources that allow for distance learning like the Learning Channel, EduFM, the worksheets, the websites, QuizzMe, that those are paying dividends in students and pupils,” Minister Manickchand said. 

Some 15,285 students wrote this year’s exams, and were tested in the areas of Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and English Language.  

One of the top performers, Kaiya Daniels, who intends to focus on her writing and science skills in high school said she is overwhelmed with her good peformance.

“It feels amazing and I am still in disbelief,” she told reporters, adding that she hopes to one day become a scientist. 

“I want to be a scientist and to reach my goal to go to Queen’s College and be in the top 10 of the country, I had to study for long hours and I used sources such as Guyana learning channel, and the education website,” the Green Acres Primary School pupil said. 

Her mother said the journey was not an easy one, but Daniels stuck to the task. She noted that while preparing for NGSA, her daughter wrote her first book – A Game of Friendship.

Lucas Spooner of Mae’s Under 12 was more than elated with his results.

“It feels great to be the top of my school, Mae’s Primary School and 3rd place in the country. I was very confident about the exam, I was very confident about it and I knew I was going to be here. I used to wake up at 4:30am in the mornings, and go to bed at 9 doing classes,” Spooner told reporters. 

He said in preparation for the exams, he not only studied but attended many hours of lessons.

Another top performer, Skyler Ghopal, who was also awarded for the best essay, said the feeling to be among the country’s top performers is surreal. 

“I am feeling ecstatic, like the feeling is not real. Like it is a dream,” she said. Her mother told reporters she started prepping Ghopal from Grade 5, and as such the transition to Grade Six was smooth.   

Three candidates shared the fifth position with 502.33 marks each. They are Jayin Kissoon of Marian Academy, Khayleigh Ramautar of Academy of Excellence and Yuan Shen of Canadian School of Arts and Science. 

Meanwhile, the eight position was secured by Adam Rahaman of Mae’s Under 12 with 502.32 marks, while Sophia Miranda of Success Elementary gained the ninth position with 502.30 marks and Abigail Manohar, also of Success Elementary gained the 10th position with 502.27 marks.

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