Old Year’s night parties to enjoy relax of 2:00am enforcement

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan told News Source today that his Ministry has received enough requests from various promoters, club owners and entertainers, that would allow a relaxing of the enforcement of the law for all clubs and bars to close their doors by 2:00am.

Old Year’s night parties to enjoy relax of 2:00am enforcement

Nightclubs and other places hosting Old Year’s night parties will be allowed to party straight into the New Year and beyond the 2:00am closure time.

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan told News Source today that his Ministry has received enough requests from various promoters, club owners and entertainers, that would allow a relaxing of the enforcement of the law for all clubs and bars to close their doors by 2:00am.

“I have received several requests and they have all made good arguments and you know most parties on Old Year’s night go on into the New Year morning and so those parties will be allowed to go on”, he said.

Questioned about other events or parties during the Christmas season, the Minister explained that he has received no convincing requests for any extension of the time for those events.

Many club owners and promoters and even the Private Sector Commission have complained about the enforcement of the 2 o’ clock closure time law. The Private Sector has called for an extension to 4:00am on holidays and weekends.

Ramjattan has been making the point that if persons want the law to be changed then they should lobby both the government and opposition to do that.

Persons are still being encouraged not to drink and drive during the season.

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