Regulations governing social media will be for public good -says AG Nandlall

Regulations governing social media will be for public good -says AG Nandlall

Facing a firestorm of criticism across social media over his announced plans to introduce legislation that will see regulations being implemented to cover the use of social media, Attorney General Anil Nandlall has indicated that law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear.

In a follow-up statement to his earlier televised statement about the planned social media regulations, Attorney General Anil Nandlall said those who have reacted to the government’s plans with “hysteria”, are so doing because they recognize that their days of using social media to destroy reputations, excite racial hostilities, engender strife, cause public mischief and extort monies for their livelihood are quickly coming to an end.

He denied that the planned regulatory framework will interfere with the constitutional right of freedom of expression.

According to Mr. Nandlall, the Government has long expressed the intention to enact modern, internationally acceptable and constitutionally compliant legislation to regulate social media.

He said the Government was awaiting the conclusion of a Convention being drafted at the United Nations to regulate cyberspace.

“The sole purpose of awaiting the terms of this Convention to be settled was to ensure that the amendments will be in compliance with and meet the international standard set by this Convention. Guyana actively participated in the draft of this Convention. The terms of the Convention are now settled”, Nandlall stated.

However, the Convention has not yet been adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, and many of the issues raised in the proposed Convention are unrelated to social media.

The Attorney General has however stated that users of social media and citizens generally have nothing to fear once they do not use their platforms for illegal means.

He said those who use their platforms for nefarious purposes have reason to fear.

Nandlall said once the updated legislation is implemented, it will be applied for the public good and for the benefit of all law abiding citizens. in addition to bringing critically needed regulation to an unregulated arena.

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