The governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) wants the Guyana Elections Commission to exclude the names of members of the disciplined services from the Official List of Electors (OLE) to be used on May 11 and place those names on a separate voters list.
According to Party General Secretary Clement Rohee, the inclusion of the names of members of the disciplined services on the OLE caused significant confusion in 2011 and stands to do the same if this category of voters is not removed and placed on another list. But the names of disciplined services members have always been included on the Official List of Electors.
The PPP/C insists the names of disciplined service members should be placed on a separate list which will be used on ‘D’ Day and be excluded altogether from the ‘E’ Day list.
Members of the discipline forces usually cast their ballots a week before the official polling day.
The ruling Party also reiterated its call on Tuesday for GECOM to publicly vet all its polling day staff and proper training of those selected.
But the Commission has maintained that it will not publish the pictures and names of its staff since it has the potential to negativity affect its employment process and polling day staffing.
The PPP/C has been the lone advocate in its call for this level of scrutiny. The Party also wants the Commission to publish the rights and responsibilities of all polling day staff and political parties so as to enlighten voters of the dos and don’ts.
At a Tuesday press conference, Mr. Rohee also demanded that GECOM embark on a rigorous public awareness and voter education program, referencing the large number of first time voters. The Commission has said that its voter education program was ongoing in several communities and has teamed up with external organizations to provide accurate information for dissemination across the country.
The PPP General Secretary criticized the opposition coalition for expressing confidence in GECOM and not highlighting what he believes are deficiencies although the Opposition parties have been raising concerns about the size of the voters list.
Rohee said it is amazing that the APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger has “sprung up like jumbie bubby” with his recent criticism of the OLE. Granger had said that the list was “dirty” and needs to be cleansed.
The PPP is of the view that such comments at this time are intended to create doubt in minds of the electorate as to integrity of the electoral process.
Filed: 31st March, 2015
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