Cost of Living and Unemployment are the two major issues of concern to Guyanese.
In the opinion poll conducted by the Barbados based, CADRES organisation, 26% of respondents said they see the cost of living in the country as the major national issue.
26% of the persons questioned also said unemployment in Guyana is the major national issue.
The economy came in third at 14% with 6% of the respondents saying that health care, crime, and housing were the major issue of concern for them.
Only 5% of those polled said they see leadership as the major concern with 4% telling the pollster that land and social issues were the concern for them. Only 3% of respondents saw roads as the major national issue.
The pollster in a summary said the findings do not mean that a majority of people are unemployed but rather they are concerned about unemployment.
In regards to whether Guyana is on the right track or going in the right direction currently, 41% of the persons polled said they believe the country is on the right track. However, 31% said the country is on the wrong track.
24% of the respondents said they were unsure or did not want to say.
When the 1,080 persons were asked if they think their family will be better off in the next few years, 51% of those polled said they think their families will be better off while 10% said they believe their families will be worse off.
18% of the persons polled said they believe they will see no change in the situations being faced by their families.
In terms of performance, the government scored a 6.2 rating across Guyana while the opposition PPP Civic scored a 5.2 rating.
In urban Guyana, the government got 6.1 rating compared to the PPP’s 5.4 rating and in rural Guyana, the government’s rating dropped to 5.9 while the PPP’s rating dropped to 4.3.
The poll was conducted in the 10 Administrative Regions of Guyana with a total of 1,084 persons being questioned.
34% of those questioned were identified as Afro Guyanese, 32% were identified as Indo Guyanese, 22% identified as mixed race, 7% were identified as Amerindians, 2% as Portuguese and 0.1% were Anglo Guyanese (white). 2% identified themselves as being of another race.
The poll was commissioned by the APNU+AFC coalition as the party prepares for the next elections.
opinion poll which was conducted in February and which was commissioned by the APNU+AFC coalition has found that the major national issue of concern
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