A 90-year-old woman died on Saturday when a mid afternoon fire at Bella Dam, Pouderoyen, engulfed her entire house and she was unable to make it out. The woman’s 76-year-old daughter suffered several burns about the body and has been hospitalized.
A number of other relatives have been left homeless.
The elderly woman who died, has been identified as Princess Tinnaman. It is believed that the fire which gutted the two-storey wooden building was caused by a kerosene stove. There were screams for help from inside the house as the fire quickly criss-crossed through the wooden structure.
Neighbours tried to assist when the fire began, but there was very little they could do as the blaze kept them back.
The fire service was called and there was nothing much they could have done to save the building by the time they arrived. The nearby Puran Brothers building was badly damaged and the owner has been left counting millions of dollars in damages.
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