Although they have been getting assurances from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Commission itself, workers of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission downed tools and walked off the job today over the high levels of mercury in their compound.
The GGMC is housed in the same compound with the Guyana Gold Board and recent tests have found unusual high levels of mercury in the system of many of the workers.
Today, the workers complained that they do not believe the Commission is taking their concerns seriously enough and they decided to walk off the job in protest.
Some of the workers who went to be tested at the recommended labs, found the mercury levels in their bodies to be as much as three times the level that is considered high.
The mercury is linked to operations at the Guyana Gold Board which deals daily with gold miners and businesses selling gold and declaring gold.
Just last week, officials of the Commission and the Natural Resources Ministry declared that while a number of the workers have tested positive for mercury in their system, it is not an alarming situation.
But with over one hundred workers reportedly testing positive for the high levels of mercury, they believe the seriousness of the problem is being downplayed.
Officials of the GGMC could not be reached for a comment.
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