The government will be spending $900 million to ensure 16 housing areas have access to electricity.
It’s a move that could see more persons occupying house lots awarded by the Central Housing and Planning Authority, Ministry of Communities.
Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Patterson has announced that tenders for works in the 16 areas will be advertised shortly.
She said the government will be tendering for suppliers of electrical hardware materials valued at about $900M and as soon as the tendering process is completed and the procurement is done… in the first quarter of 2017 all 16 areas will have electricity.
“When we talked about the low occupancy it was not only for the reason of … affordability but we have low occupancy because in some of the areas little or no infrastructural works were done. We have situations where persons were allocated lands in 2014 and early 2015 and they can’t even find the house lot because there are no roads to take them to it,” Patterson pointed out.
Over the years, many persons would complain about having to face the problem of the unavailability of electricity and other infrastructure resources in areas where they were offered land by the Central Housing and planning authority.
Many of them said that served as a burden on them making moves to start the construction process for their new homes.
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