Guyana is stepping up its efforts to fight trafficking in persons and today the national plan of action for 2019/2020 was launched.
With the launching, the plan of action has now become an official public document.
According to the Acting Coordinator of the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons, Oliver Profitt, explained that the action plan is built on using prevention, protection and reintegration, prosecution and partnership to combat trafficking in persons in Guyana.
He said there is a partnership between a number of national agencies to tackle the problem. He said the task force presents a combination of different ideas and agendas to fight trafficking persons through the various agencies which combine their resources.
The Deputy Director for Social Services in the Ministry of Social Protection, Abike Samuels said the Social Protection Ministry will be playing a keyrole in the implementation of the action plan especially when it comes to the protection and reintegration of victims.
The Task Force is headed by the Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan. At the launching, he said the work of the task force has seen a decline in cases of trafficking in persons in Guyana and a rise in successful prosecution.
Mr. Ramjattan said trafficking in persons and human trafficking remain modern slavery and it must be stopped.
“We are going to have more investigations and more charges, and more convictions”, he said.
He noted that more training will be done with various agencies that will form partnerships against trafficking in persons.
Over the past three years, Guyana has been recognised by the US State Department for doing more in the fight against trafficking in persons.
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