High Court orders Guyana Public Service Credit Union’s Chairperson, Secretary and Board Member removed from all positions of responsibility

High Court orders Guyana Public Service Credit Union’s Chairperson, Secretary and Board Member removed from all positions of responsibility

Justice Navendra Singh has slammed the Chairman of the Guyana Public Service Co-operative Credit Union, Karen Vanslyutman Corbin, Secretary Gillian Pollard and Board Member Ruth Horward for disrespecting the ongoing proceedings before the High Court, and ordered that they be removed from all positions of responsibility of the Credit Union board.

The Court also ordered that they remain ordinary board members.

Justice Singh went as far as to threaten to arrest Corbin, Howard and Pollard, but said that due to the ruling on the contempt case, for now, he will just order that they not hold any position on the Credit Union board.

He ordered former Chairman of the Credit Union, Trevor Benn, Vice Chairman Patrick Mentore and Treasurer Rajdai Jaggernauth to fill the positions now being held by Corbin, Pollard and Howard.

With Mentore being the Vice Chair and Jaggernauth being the Treasurer, and Benn being an ordinary member, the ruling will pave the way for his return as Chairman.

The Judge did not order the matter be put a vote, but only stated that his orders be carried out as a matter of urgency.

Justice Singh is expected to rule on September 12, on contempt of Court proceedings filed by Credit Union Member Mehali Mc Calmont and others who went to the Court last year to force the Credit Union to hold a Special General Meeting.

Following the Special Meeting Mc Calmont went back to the Court to argue that the orders of the Court were not followed in the holding of the SGM and therefore the Court must rule whether the Chairperson and other office bearers are occupying their positions legally.

In March this year , Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, filed contempt of Court proceedings against the Committee of Management of the Guyana Public Service Cooperative Credit Union.

The action was filed on behalf of member Mehalai McAlmont and others. They were petitioning the Court to declare that members of the GPSCCU Committee of Management (CoM) failed to comply with the principal orders made by Justice Singh on the 30th September 2022.

Back in September, Justice Singh ruled that the Committee of Management must issue a new notice within 10 days of the date of the Order, scheduling a Special General Meeting (SGM) to be held no later than the 24th October, 2022.

The order was not done, and the notice was issued three days before the meeting and backdated.

The Committee Management initially requested a waiver of the Judge’s orders, but subsequently withdrew the request.

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