Opposition Leader and PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo has expressed his disappointment with the latest move to the Court by a private citizen on an election matter.
Mr. Jagdeo accused the APNU+AFC of being behind the latest Court action and said he believes it is another move to further delay a final declaration of the election results.
“What effectively they are asking the Court is to allow the use of fraudulent numbers to declare the results of the elections…based on in their view on some technicality”, Jagdeo said.
Mr. Jagdeo said the will of the people must be reflected in the elections results “and the will of the people was established through a transparent recount that they participated in and they signed on to those statements of recount”.
The APNU+AFC did not sign the statements of recount but did raise concerns about a number of anomalies that were uncovered during the recount.
The PPP General Secretary said he finds it strange that the APNU+AFC was willing to accept the recount numbers when over 115,000 votes were set aside and it was in their favour, but is now unwilling to accept the results of the recount when all votes are counted.
The Court matter comes up for hearing tomorrow before the Chief Justice.
In the action, the applicant is seeking several declarations including one which contends that the GECOM Chair acted outside of the Constitution when she set aside the results from the 10 Returning Officers and replaced those results with the recount numbers.
The applicant also contends that only the declarations by Returning Officers could be used towards a final declaration of the results.
Returning Officers were not used for the national vote recount.
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