Light traffic resumes along Kurupukari road following emergency repair works

Light traffic resumes along Kurupukari road following emergency repair works

The Ministry of Public Works this afternoon announced the reopening of the section of the Kurupukari to Annai roadway that got badly damaged two days ago when it collapsed and got washed away just after heavy rainfall as a large truck was crossing.

The situation led to road traffic between Georgetown and Lethem being severely affected.

Emergency repair works got underway early yesterday with engineers and a crew from the Ministry of Public Works carrying out the repair works throughout the night. Contractors also assisted with the work.

The Ministry of Public Works said the roadway is now open to only light traffic at this time, and contractors have been instructed to widen channels for better water discharge in the area, owing to the heavy rainfall.

The situation two days ago

The stockpiling of materials for the comprehensive repair of the washout bridge has started and restoration works are set to continue over the weekend.

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