Minister Amna Ally sues Stabroek News over “false dual citizenship” claim

The article was carried in the January 15, 2019 edition of the Stabroek News, which reported that there were seven Members of Parliament found to be holders of dual citizenship and the two Chief Whips in the House, Ally and Gail Teixeira are apart of the group. 

Minister Amna Ally sues Stabroek News over “false dual citizenship” claim

Minister of Social Protection and the Government’s Chief Whip in Parliament, Amna Ally has filed a $10 Million lawsuit against the privately owned Stabroek Newspaper, for libel related to an article that claimed she was the holder of dual citizenship.

In the action filed by Attorney Darren Wade, Ms. Ally is contending that the newspaper carried false statements “imputing” her character and reputation.

The article was carried in the January 15, 2019 edition of the Stabroek News, which reported that there were seven Members of Parliament found to be holders of dual citizenship and the two Chief Whips in the House, Ally and Gail Teixeira are apart of the group.

Ally contends that the statement regarding her is grossly inaccurate, malicious and meant to deceive the public.

“The said article was calculated to lower the Claimant’s reputation in the mind of right thinking members of society”, she contends in her lawsuit.

In addition to requesting that the Court grants her $10 Million in damages, Ally also wants the newspaper to publish a full retraction and apology.

Before filing the lawsuit, the Minister and her Attorney had written to the newspaper seeking a retraction and apology. There was none.

Under the Constitution of Guyana, someone who has sworn allegiance to a foreign state or power cannot be elected as a Member of Parliament. In a recent Court case, the Chief Justice also ruled that someone holding dual citizenship cannot be nominated or elected to serve as a Member of Parliament.


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