In the aftermath of the recent fires that destroyed the Brickdam Police station and the living quarters in the Vigilance Police Station, former Chairman of the Police Service Commission and retired Assistant Police Commissioner, Paul Slowe wants the Guyana Police Force to develop a plan of action which will address future occurrences, should they arise.
In a statement on his Facebook page, Mr. Slowe said there should be a risk assessment of all police buildings, especially wooden buildings. He said the administrators of the Police Force should not operate as if it’s business as usual, given the two recent events.
“Firefighting equipment should be installed in all police buildings. There must be regular inspections of the firefighting equipment. The frequency of the inspections must be made mandatory. Fire drills must be developed for each location, and regularly exercised by all ranks,” Slowe suggested.
He said the Force ought to come up with a workable mitigation plan, noting that there was a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan for serious incidents in Georgetown and its environs, during his time in the Force.
According to the former senior Police Officer, senior officers of the Force need to stop “pampazetting” around the place and focus on coming up with a plan.
“That Plan included the sounding of sirens, which were located at Fire Service Headquarters, Alberttown Police Station and Brickdam Police Station. Those sirens were tested at 10 am every Friday. All Members of the Disciplined Services (Police, GDF, Fire, Prison) knew that the sounding of any of those sirens, apart from the testing time, meant that they had to immediately report to their various bases in preparation for deployment,” Slowe recalled.
In an earlier post made just after the fire, Mr. Slow said that he was outraged that hours after the President committed to an international investigation to determine to cause of the fire, the scene of the fire was being cleared out.
He said the Police should not rely only on the confession it said it got from a robbery suspect who was in the lock-ups and allegedly admitting to setting the building on fire.
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