The governing People’s Progressive Party is blaming the Opposition parties decision to vote against a firearms bill for the current crime situation in the country. The PPP is of the view that the Opposition’s vote down of a firearms.
“The People’s Progressive Party rejects recent statements emanating from the camps of the Alliance for Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in seeking to lay blame at the doorsteps of Government for the recent upsurge in criminal activities, particularly gun related crimes”, the PPP said in a statement.
According to the release, “what is even more astonishing is that both the AFC and APNU have recognized the devastating impact the use of illegal firearms by criminals has had on our society and the fact that more needs to be done to provide the Guyana Police Service with additional support to go after gun smugglers.”
The Opposition party in 2012 used their majority in the National Assembly to pass a no confidence motion against the Minister of Home Affairs. Despite that move, the Minister remains on the job with the President indicating that he still has confidence in him.
The Guyana Police Force has been reporting a steady increase in criminal activities across the country especially in the city and along the East Coast corridor. Over 90 murders have been recorded for the year already.
The PPP believes the Opposition parties sacrificed the “safety and security of all Guyanese in their pursuit of petty and vindictive politics” when they decided not to support bills that were being taken to the house by Minister Clement Rohee.
Opposition Leader David Granger has said repeatedly that the Government ought to get serious with handling the crime problem. Mr. Granger has said security is a major problem in Guyana and if the Government is serious about improving the security climate, it would ensure that Rohee goes and a better crime fighting plan is employed.
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