The Guyana Police Force has detained a private chartered aircraft which arrived in Guyana on Monday afternoon at the Cheddi Jagan Airport. It is suspected that the aircraft might have been using a false registration number and other false documents.
The airplane arrived in Guyana just after 3 o’ clock on Monday afternoon.
When Customs and Security Authorities boarded the aircraft to carry out inspections, several irregularities were unearthed, according to the Police.
“Ranks of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit were alerted and conducted a preliminary inspection of the aircraft and discovered certain irregularities which were promptly reported to higher Headquarters,” the statement noted.
Based on enquiries, it was revealed that the pilots and passengers were invited to Guyana by Mr. Michael Brassington who was at the airport to receive them.
The “Handling Permission Form “listed Roraima Airways Inc. as the handling agent for the aircraft.
According to the Police, “further enquiries revealed that the registration number on the aircraft may be a false one, since there is another aircraft carrying the same registration number”. Additionally, the data plate of the aircraft was also missing.
Investigators intend to question Michael Brassington about the plane. Brassington was charged and served time in the US on several charges including the breaking of US aviation rules.
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