US based PNCR Member seeking injunction to block party’s Congress and Elections

US based PNCR Member seeking injunction to block party’s Congress and Elections

A US-based member of the People’s National Congress Reform wants the High Court to grant an injunction blocking this weekend’s Congress and Elections over concerns that the electoral process might not be fair.

According to a press release issued by VMW Law Firm, the injunction forms part of one of two lawsuits filed in the High Court by Brian Collison – a member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), who is seeking to hold Guyana’s major political parties more accountable.

Collison is being represented by Attorney-at-Law, Dr Vivian Williams.  

In one of the lawsuits, Leader of the PNCR, Aubrey Norton and the PNCR are listed as the respondents. 

“This action seeks to ensure that irregularities in the process leading up to the selection of delegates for the imminent PNC Congress, do not compromise the will of the members of the PNCR and the party’s support base,” a section of the press statement read. 

Through his lawyer, Collison, is asking the Court for a declaration that political parties have a duty to adopt procedures for fair internal elections.

In the interim, he wants the Court to issue an injunction to prevent the PNCR from proceeding with the election of a party leader and other officers until such time fairness is guaranteed.

Describing himself as a reformer, Collison said he brought the action to ensure members are given a fair chance to participate in the congress and elections based on party rules, and the is devoid of any manipulation.

Collison has also asked the Court to make a number of declarations, including declarations that political parties are legal entities that can be sued.

According to the statement, Collison is deeply concerned about claims of irregularities in the management of the current Biennial Congress of the PNC and the electoral process that could affect the true will of the PNCR electorate in their election of new office bearers. He said his interest is establishing accountability in the party and ensuring the most fundamental element of political representation of the people is not further damaged by a process that is not subject to review.

Collison also filed another lawsuit which names the Attorney General Anil Nandlall, People’s Progressive Party General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo, and People’s National Congress Reform Leader Aubrey Norton as the respondents.

The second case seeks several declarations from the Court about the standing, and obligations of political parties in ensuring that the right to vote provided for in Guyana’s Constitution, is not diluted and hindered by unfairness in internal party procedures.

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