Minister of Public Health and Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform, Volda Lawrence has issued an apology over her statement that she only has PNC friends and would only hire PNC people.
Her statement received widespread criticism.
In an interview with News Source at Parliament buildings this morning, Ms. Lawrence said “I am not too big to apologise”, adding that “I have recognised that I must be cognizant of what I say and what I do, because I am a leader. And there are many persons out there who feel hurt and aggrieved by those statements and so I wish to apologise to those people and to let them know that I remain the fighter for justice and peace for people, wherever they are. I would remain that humble person, Volda Lawrence”.
Ms. Lawrence explained to News Source that the statements that she made during an internal meeting of her party do not reflect who she is as a person and what she stands for.
She said “over the last thirty years and plus, Volda Lawrence has given service to both people and country. I have fought for both my countrymen and countrywomen. I have fought for those known and those unknown and I have fought against injustice, inequality and many other things and I would want to say that the statement that has attributed to me over the last couple of days is not reflective of who I am as a person, or as a leader”.
It was during a party meeting for incoming councillors for the Region Four area that Ms. Lawrence called on her party comrades and leaders to do more for the base of the party and to encourage party members to educate themselves and get themselves prepared to benefit from various programmes and initiatives.
She has also chided party comrades about infighting and told them that the party needs to focus and bring in other people into the party to ensure its continuing development.
Ms. Lawrence was elected Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform back in August. It is the second highest position in the party, coming just after the party leader.
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