Family of teen “accidentally” shot dead at workplace by security cry out for justice

Family of teen “accidentally” shot dead at workplace by security cry out for justice

Two months after an 18-year-old man was shot dead at his workplace by a security guard at the same workplace, the teen’s parents are still awaiting justice in the matter.

The parents of 18-year-old Jared Jagnandan, who was fatally shot by a Cerberus Security guard while working at Shaf Auto Sale Inc. on the East Coast of Demerara are demanding that both the security firm and auto sales company be held accountable for the death of their son.

In renewing their calls for justice, Avalon and Reshma Jagnandan said to date, charges are still to be laid, as they expressed dissatisfaction with the progress of the investigation, while emphasizing the need for all to be held accountable. 

“At this time, some two months after our son was killed, no charge has been laid. The police have suggested that the file has gone to the DPP’s office for advice. Our attorney told us that it does not ordinarily take this long for a matter to be investigated and advised upon” the grieving parents said in a joint statement today”, the grieving couple said.

Initial police reports stated that Jagnandan was accidentally shot by the 20-year-old guard, who was on duty at the auto sales company.  

But according to the family, it is a clear case of “negligence” and all must be held responsible. 

“We have been advised by our attorney that under the Private Security Act, every director of Cerberus Security Inc. can be criminally charged for breaches of the Act. The Security Licence can be cancelled or suspended; firearm licenses can be revoked. The law recognises that you cannot just set up a security firm, fail to provide adequate training, fail to acquire requisite licences, cause death by the combination of this negligence and escape free from penalty under the law. When you put guns in peoples’ hands you must be held at a very high standard,” the parents said. 

They said too that under the laws of Guyana, the security firm can be jointly charged with the security guard as a principal offender in the killing of Jagnandan. 

The family expressed disappointment in the manner in which the entire incident was handled by the auto sales company, contending that instead of rendering immediate assistance, that company shifted all responsibility to the security company. 

“Our son was shot on their premises which has many cars on it, being an auto sale, yet he was made to bleed out while awaiting a vehicle from the security service instead. These critical wasted moments could have saved our son’s life. We call upon the authorities to investigate Shaf Auto Sales,” they said. 

According to the dead man’s parents, the police have shared little information with them, and to date, they have not been in receipt of the post mortem report.

Currently, they are considering instituting civil proceedings but in the interim, they are calling on the police to accelerate the speed at which the investigation is being conducted, and have those responsible placed before the courts. 

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