Four persons are currently in police custody assisting with investigations into the murder of Georgetown residents, 89-year-old Constance Fraser and 77-year-old Phyllis Caesar.
A woman is among the four arrested.
No other information on the persons detained have been provided, but they were arrested subsequent to the discovery of the lifeless bodies of the women in their South and Albert Streets home on Tuesday morning.
The police in a Friday morning statement failed to say whether there were clear leads into the murder or the results of a Post Mortem Examination.
Police investigators were called to the white wooden house just after 9am on Tuesday morning after the two women had not been seen for the morning.
When investigators breached the door, they discovered the lifeless bodies of the two women who were tied by their hands and feet with their mouth gagged.
They also had marks of violence about their bodies.
Investigators suspect that they may have come face to face with robbers between late Monday night and very early Tuesday morning.
Both women attended the nearby Full Gospel Church, where they served as Sunday school teachers.
The two women have been reportedly living in the house for several years and are believed to be relatives.
Persons in the area said thieves broke into the same house just over a month ago and carted off several valuables.
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