The Head of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit, James Singh is calling on citizens to come forward with information that will help the unit to intercept persons selling drugs in communities and in schools.
In recent weeks, CANU has been on a massive anti-drug campaign in several communities across the country and has been destroying marijuana farms in the Upper Berbice River area while carrying various seizures of cocaine and molly.
“We are doing a lot of work in various communities and the aim here is to target persons who are engaged in selling narcotics regardless of where, whether it’s close by a school or within that community and again I will ask the various communities if you know persons are engaged in selling narcotics within your community, near to a school anywhere, let us know confidentially and we will take the necessary action,” Singh said on the sidelines of an event this morning.
According to the CANU boss, the agency has already identified several new drugs that are circulating in various communities, and it is moving into those communities with several government ministries, including the Ministry of Education, which will assist the agency in its plan to tackle drug use among students and in schools.

“So we are working with the Ministry of Education to sensitize and to develop a programme that allows us to go into the various schools around the region, sensitize persons about the effects of narcotics. So its not just only working with students but also working with the teachers, they must be able to see the behavioral patterns that give a better idea that persons are on drugs,” the CANU head explained.
Mr. Singh said the effort to fight drugs in schools and in communities cannot be done at the level of only the agency but citizens’ involvement is critical.
He assured that persons who come forward with information would have nothing to fear since the information will be treated with confidentiality.
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