A City Magistrate today granted a Kitty woman a permanent restraining order against her father, days after he was charged and placed on bail for allegedly abusing the young woman.
The father has also been ordered to hand over all personal belongings to his 25-year-old daughter.
The father, businessman Davenand Singh was charged earlier this month for causing grievous bodily harm and using threatening language against his daughter. A temporary restraining order was issued at the time.
The restraining order was made permanent today as the businessman faced an additional charge related to the alleged abuse meted out to his daughter.
This past weekend, a surveillance video recording of the businessman slapping, kicking and stamping his 25-year-old daughter in his store surfaced on social media, triggering a firestorm of criticism.
In an interview with “Big Smith NewsWatch”, the daughter documented the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father and her fear of him.
The day after that interview was aired, the businessman along with other children and members of his family appeared with social media commentator Guyanese Critic in an effort to douse the firestorm over the video recording of his abuse. The man and some of his family members claimed he is not abusive and claimed that parts of the video were edited. However, several examinations of the video by television video editors found that the footage was not edited.
The abuse matter is now before the Court and has opened a national conversation about physical abuse and domestic violence in the home and across the country in general.
The Minister of Human Services intends to lend assistance to the young woman and is reminding persons to call the 914 toll free number to report cases of domestic violence and abuse.
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