Diplomatic representatives of the American, British, Canadian and European Union in Guyana, met on Thursday with the Guyana Elections Commission.
The Chairman and the other six members of the Commission attended the meeting and were asked about preparation for early elections, the house to house registration process and details surrounding the funding of the elections.
Yesterday’s meeting came days after the Guyana Elections Commission voted to inform the President that elections cannot be held within the 90 days after the no confidence motion.
GECOM also voted to inform the President of the unavailability right now of funds for the hosting of the elections, pointing out that the Parliament will have to approve funding.
News Source understands that during the meeting yesterday, the Western diplomats questioned whether the house to house registration process would be a concurrent activity with election preparations pending the outcome of the Court matters.
They were also provided with more clarity and details regarding the need for parliamentary approval of funds for the hosting of the elections.
The diplomats are now expected to meet with the Government and the Opposition on the way forward.
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday indicated that at this time, his party does not intend to support any extension of the timeline for the hosting of elections.
The Constitution calls for elections to be held within ninety days following the passage of a no confidence motion or at a time agreed to by two thirds of the National Assembly.
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