Gold miner remanded for beheading murder of wife

Gold miner remanded for beheading murder of wife

27-year-old Port Kaituma gold miner, Silos France, was charged and remanded today for the murder of his reputed wife. He appeared in Court today in Port Kaituma, and was not required to enter a plea to the charge that he murdered 23-year-old Paulette Edwards.

The woman’s headless body was discovered in a swamp in the Port Kaituma community in Region One earlier this week, after she had been reported missing.

The Police suspected the reputed husband to be a suspect, since he could not be located just after the woman’s disappearance.

However, he was arrested two days ago and reportedly admitted to the crime.

The woman’s body was identified by family members who identified her based on a scar on her body. Investigators believe she was murdered sometime between the 3rd and 7th June.

The accused has been remanded to jail until the 6th August, when the case will be called again.

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