As the PNC Reform’s leadership race heats up, contender Joseph Harmon who is the Opposition Leader believes that his main rival, Aubrey Norton should be disqualified from the election race over statements that Norton recently made.
Mr. Norton recently hinted that several of the persons who publicly endorsed Mr. Harmon might have been coerced into doing so and the decision was not their own.
But Harmon shot down that suggestion and dismissed it completely.
“What nonsense is that? This is the kind of disrespect that candidates have for young people, and I am sure that those young persons will be able to answer him. Because certainly, if you treat young people who are at that level with that level of contempt and the way in which you have no regard for the opinion, then what would you do with the rest of the party,” Mr. Harmon questioned.
Mr. Harmon, who received public endorsements from a number of first-time opposition parliamentarians believes he is best suited for the job.
He believes that he is being supported by the young MPs because of his leadership qualities.
“I believe that these young people are capable are able to make their own decisions given the facts that are before them. And, if you consider them to be acting under some form of duress…then I think you have no regard or no respect for them and this must disqualify you as a leader of a great party,” Mr. Harmon said during.
The race for the PNC leader and new executive has been heating up in the past few weeks. And though Mr. Harmon has been receiving public endorsements, Mr. Norton has been working quietly behind the scenes to shore up support from party groups across the country.
Multiple sources have confirmed that current party Chairperson, Volda Lawrence will not be contesting for the position of party leader.
Several persons who supported Ms. Lawrence for the job have been pushing Mr. Norton’s campaign on social media.
Earlier this week, Norton took to the letter pages of the newspaper to defend his record of reaching out and playing a role in growing the membership of the party.
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