With more than 100,000 persons awaiting the second dose of the Sputnik coronavirus vaccine, the Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony today provided the assurance that the needed second dose of the vaccine will be available before the end of the 12 week timeline between 1st and 2nd doses.
While persons were told that they would be required to get the 2nd dose four weeks after the first, the Ministry of Health has indicated that the manufacturer of the vaccine has since indicated that the 2nd dose could be taken up to 12 weeks after the first.
It’s been four weeks now since Guyana announced a shortage of the second dose of the vaccine, leaving thousands of persons concerned and worried about whether they will get the second dose in time.
During his COVID-19 update today, Dr. Anthony said the Government is working to ensure the second doses are in Guyana as soon as possible, but he could not provide a definitive timeline.
“We still have time and we are working very hard to ensure that we get those vaccines in and I am reassured that we will get it before that 12-week expires. So people out there can rest assure that they will get that second vaccine within that timeframe”, Dr. Anthony said.
Guyana has so far received just over 305,000 total doses of the Sputnik vaccine with 61,000 of those being 2nd dose vaccines. Guyana is still awaiting the delivery of more than 183,000 second doses to math the total number of first doses procured.
The Sputnik vaccine is administered in two completely different doses. The Health Minister said while those who have already received their first dose are awaiting their 2nd dose, persons who have not been vaccinated at all should still make themselves available to be administered the first dose.
“We have enough first dose right now and that does not stop you from coming out and get your first dose vaccine and we will be able to get you your second dose in time”, he said.
The Minister of Health also explained today that Guyana made two orders for the Sputnik coronavirus vaccines and while it has received all of the ordered first doses, it is still to receive the majority of second doses that were ordered. He said more than 100,000 second doses are owed on the first order and more than 44,000 are still to be provided on the second order.
Meanwhile, the Health Ministry has indicated that there are second doses of the Sinopharm and Astrazeneca vaccines available. Persons who were administered the first dose of one of those two vaccines can return to the health centres for their second dose at the time given.
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