Moments after Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo at a press conference hinted at the need for a probe of the relationship between ExxonMobil and AFC Leader and Prominent Attorney, Nigel Hughes over conflict of interest concerns, Mr. Hughes said he would welcome any such probe.
Hughes is a senior partner in the Hughes, Fields and Stoby Law Firm, which is one of the legal representatives of the ExxonMobil company in Guyana.
Speaking briefly to News Source on the issue, the recently elected AFC Leader said some interesting information might be revealed with any such probe.
“I welcome any probe, investigation or Commission of Inquiry, that Mr. Jagdeo wants to initiate between Exxon and myself. There is a lot of information that may come out that I think would be very useful and I welcome it, I certainly welcome it. I don’t wish to prejudge anything, but we (AFC) will be having a press conference tomorrow at 1:30 and we will go into details, but certainly for the Firm, I could say that the Firm has many lawyers in it, and it would be very interesting what a probe might disclose”.
Mr. Hughes said it must be made clear that the Hughes, Fields and Stoby Law Firm has a number of Partners, Associates and Attorneys who handle different clients and different cases. He said as a Senior Partner of the Firm, the Exxon company’s portfolio has never been managed by him.
“Our firm, since my father was alive, and since the 1970’s has represented oil companies all the way through, even before the discovery, we have been representing oil companies, and there are different partners. In relation to Exxon, I can specifically say, I am not the Partner that manages Exxon and I have never managed Exxon at all, as a partner. The way the Firm is structured, different clients are managed by different partners, and even by some Senior Associates”, he stated.
The AFC Leader has promised to offer more details on the issue at his party’s Friday press conference.
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