Two young children were savagely chopped to death by their father early on Wednesday evening at Zeelugt Squatting area on the East Bank of Essequibo when the man went on a murderous rampage in his home. The man’s wife and the mother of the children was also attacked and badly chopped about her body.
The children have been identified as 5-year-old Kimberly Houston and 2-year-old Tarif Lord. Their mother’s name has been given as Bibi Nazarena Houston who is 21 years old.
The incident reportedly took place just after 6:00 pm at the family’s small house in the squatting area during a heated argument between the man and his wife. During the row, the man accused the woman of being unfaithful and as they traded insults at each other, he reportedly grabbed a cutlass and began attacking the two defenseless children before turning his wrath on their mother. As persons close by rushed to the scene, the man ran away leaving the bloodied bodies sprawled on the ground.
Police investigators launched a massive search for him in the area.
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