NCN and GINA to face Budget Cuts -Granger

NCN and GINA to face Budget Cuts -Granger

The State owned National Communications Network and the Government Information Agency might find themselves again facing serious cuts in the budget.

Last year, the Opposition parties in parliament used their majority to reduce the budgetary allocations to the two entities to just $1 each. That move was made as the Opposition hoped that it would have triggered some change in the coverage they receive from the state media.

The coverage has not changed much according to Opposition Leader David Granger who said while NCN has been making some efforts to improve its quality of coverage of the Opposition, GINA has refused to do the same.

The Opposition leader told News Source that the bosses at GINA need to understand that the Government is not limited to the Executive and therefore the voices of the opposition must be given a hearing also through the state media.

In the past the Opposition APNU has compiled a dossier on coverage by the state owned media of the opposition. When there is coverage, Granger said it is mostly in a negative light. That he believes must change.

Just last week the Speaker of the National Assembly was forced to warn and threaten the Guyana Chronicle and I-News with sanctions after the two carried a false report of the budget presentation made by an APNU Member of Parliament.

The Chronicle apologized for the report. The opposition parties have been complaining for years about the way the state media handles matters concerning the Opposition.

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