Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton today accused the government of dropping the ball on the border issue with Venezuela, as the neighbouring country continues with its threats and plans to annex Guyana’s Essequibo region.
At a press conference, Mr. Norton said several recommendations which were made by the Opposition to assist the government on the issue were never taken into consideration. He said the Government has been operating in a laid back position since the meeting between President Irfaan Ali and President Nicholas Maduro last December.
Norton said Guyana should have never scaled back in its efforts in educating the population and constantly updating the international community on the issue and Venezuela’s aggression.
He said those efforts should have been intensified.
“There is no consistent organized education of the People of Guyana…after Argyle, I sense the President decided that all is good and well. I think he misses the importance of a proactive diplomatic effort, as well as a proactive PR effort,” the Opposition Leader noted.
The Opposition Leader has proposed the commencement of a widespread public relations campaign in Latin America and the Caribbean, where he is of the view that persons are now learning about the historical context of the controversy. He said while Guyana is lagging behind in this regard, Venezuela continues to push its case.
“We have said to the government that you need to have a more proactive approach in terms of dealing with border communities and Essequibo in general and Guyana, and they have failed to do that. Apart from producing some handbills that says Essequibo is our own—which nothing is wrong with, they did nothing more,” Norton said.
In addition, the Opposition Leader said the Guyana Government must also look to restructure the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where positions of the administration are communicated on a real time basis to diplomatic staff throughout the world so that Guyana’s position is clearly outlined.
He has condemned the recent action by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to sign new legislation into law maintaining Venezuela’s claim of Guyana’s Essequibo region and declaring its plan to defend the Essequibo as its own territory.
Norton said the latest action by Venezuela, as well as the build up of troops near the border region and the Venezuelan referendum, are highly provocative and Venezuela should act in accordance with international law.
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