Norton calls for Region 4 Chairman Daniel Seeram to step down from office over domestic violence allegations

Norton calls for Region 4 Chairman Daniel Seeram to step down from office over domestic violence allegations

Opposition Leader and Leader of the People’s National Congress, Aubrey Norton, believes Region Four Chairman and Party Central Committee Executive Member, Daniel Seeram should step down from office, in wake of new allegations that he assaulted his wife.

Seeram has not released any statement on the allegations, but the Police Force has confirmed that an assault complaint was received and charges have been recommended.

The Region Four Chairman had been previously accused of making gun threats against his father-in-law. While he denied those allegations, he faced criminal charges that stemmed from the complaint filed by his father-in-law.

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton today said Seeram needs to demit office, although he noted he should be given a fair hearing.

“We think he should step down,” Norton told reporters during a virtual press conference today.

The Regional Chairman’s wife is also expected to face charges as he filed assault allegations against her also.

At a press conference today, Mr. Norton said the Opposition does not condone violence of any kind, especially domestic violence.

“I think Daniel Seeram understands the nature of what has happened. It is true that it is not the first time and I would leave it to him to do the decent thing,” Norton told reporters.

Norton said if Seeram does not resign, then the issue could be addressed at the level of the party.

But it was not until the PNCR Leader was grilled on the matter by reporters, that he stated that the Region Four Chairman should step down.

However, he explained that given the governance structure for the Regional Democratic Councils, it may be difficult for the party to engineer Seeram’s removal from that position.

“We think he should step down. But I am saying to you at this stage, we have not said to him, look, you need to go. You must understand the regional system. When somebody becomes a Regional Chairman or a Councillor, there is no mechanism that exist to remove that person. It is something that I think people don’t recognize. If today or tomorrow he says he is not stepping down, and we say you have to go, does it follow that he will go? It doesn’t follow,” Norton reasoned.

The regional democratic system does not allow a recall of the elected Councillors.

He nonetheless maintained that should Seeram fail to step down as Regional Chairman, the PNCR Central Executive Committee will address the matter

“The party will address the matter at the level of the Central Executive but I do not want to pronounce. Base on our Constitution, it provides for us to place before a disciplinary committee, anybody who is in violation of the law, etc,” Norton said.

That Disciplinary Committee of the Central Executive Committee was only established last evening when the PNCR Central Executive Committee met.

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