Over 18% of Guyanese living with high blood pressure and not seeking treatment

It was explained, that a survey conducted in 2016 found that 18.4% of the country's population was suffering from high blood pressure and were not on any medication.

Over 18% of Guyanese living with high blood pressure and not seeking treatment

Guyana joined the rest of the world today in observing World Hypertension Day.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health encouraged citizens to measure their blood pressure accurately, to control it and live longer.

It was explained, that a survey conducted in 2016 found that 18.4% of the country’s population was suffering from high blood pressure and were not on any medication.

The MoH said it has since introduced the HEARTS protocol for persons with elevated and high blood pressure.

The protocol programme is currently available in 95 health centres throughout Guyana, and it is designed to assist hypertensive patients in managing their blood pressure more effectively.

The Health Ministry said the protocol can also help delay the progression of elevated blood pressure to high blood pressure and prevent associated complications. The goal is to have all health centres adopt this program by 2025, the Ministry noted/

In applauding the work of medical professionals, the Ministry of Health said effective management and control and aid in the fight against hypertension.

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