The 16-year-old young man who has leveled serious sodomy allegations against three police officers was arrested on Thursday midday after he climbed to the roof of the Police Consumers Building and launched a loud midday protest, threatening to take his own life.
The teenager who is believed to be a commercial sex worker had gone to the Stabroek News which is located in the same compound to voice his worry that he was not getting justice in the matter. He reportedly decided to climb to the roof of the building as he waited to be interviewed by a reporter of the media house.
The young man armed himself with a broken bottle and spent over half an hour on the roof crying out for justice and demanding that the three officers he said brutally sodomised him at the Stabroek market police outpost be charged.
The fire service and police ranks were called to the scene and eventually were able to arrest the young man and take him into custody.
The Guyana Police Force in a statement on Wednesday announced that the three police officers fingered in the sodomy case have been placed under close arrest pending a full investigation of the allegations made by the teenager.
This latest accusation against the three policemen comes at a time when the Force is awaiting advice from the DPP in another alleged sodomy case involving policemen who were stationed at Timehri.
(Photo by Kwesi Isles)
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