by Handel Duncan
A move by members of the Government side on the Public Accounts Committee to interrupt the committee’s meeting this morning was disallowed by Chairman of the PAC, Opposition Member of Parliament David Patterson.
When the meeting got underway in the Parliamentary Chambers, Government Member, Gail Teixeira informed the Chairman that the Foreign Relations Committee needed to use the Chambers for a 1 pm briefing on the latest issue with Venezuela.
Minister Texieria told the Public Accounts Committee that the Venezuelan issue is of national importance. She asked for the Public Accounts Committee meeting to stop at 12:30pm to allow the sanitization of the room for the Foreign Affairs Meeting.
The PAC Chair, David Patterson said while he understands the importance of the Venezuelan issue, the Foreign Affairs Committee could find an alternative venue so that its meeting does not interrupt the work of the Public Accounts Committee.
He said, “unfortunately we have a schedule here and the meeting shall proceed and alternative venues can be found. I understand the issue is of national importance and those things like that, there are alternative venues and I am sure the Clerk right now (is) looking at those alternative venues”., Patterson informed the Committee.
At that stage, Ms. Teixeira sought to bring a motion seeking the committee’s approval that the PAC’s meeting will end at 12:30 so that the Committee could meet on the Guyana Venezuela development, But Mr. Patterson quickly opposed.
Government Committee Member Bishop Juan Edghill complained that the Chairman of the PAC was being high-handed with his refusal to give up the Parliamentary Chambers.
Edghill requested that the PAC Chairman allows a debate on his refusal to accept the motion to wrap up the PAC meeting early, but Patterson stuck to his position and moved ahead with the meeting.
Opposition Member of the PAC Jermaine Figuerria said he could not understand why an alternative venue was not identified.
The meeting continued at its same venue.
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