Former Public Security Minister and APNU+AFC parliamentarian, Khemraj Ramjattan is pleading with the government to consider a 10% retroactive salary increase for public servants pending negotiations with the Guyana Public Service Union, (GPSU).
In closing his 35-minute presentation, Mr. Ramjattan said he has a simple demand for the government.
“I propose that there be a wage increase of 10% across the board retroactive to January pending the final negotiations with all stakeholders in government and the GPSU”, Mr. Ramjattan said.
The Government has not made any official announcement in the budget of a possible wage increase for public servants this year, although the Vice President has claimed that there is money in the budget to cater for salary increases.
The political opposition has since been demanding that the government makes an announcement.
Mr. Ramjattan said that the coalition intends to advocate for a higher percentage, but believes that for now, a 10% retroactive increase could assist public servants more.
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