Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine and his Deputy, Alfred Munroe were returned to the two positions unopposed today as the City Council held its internal elections.
The Mayor once again called on the Government of Guyana to stop “playing politics” with matters related to the City Council.
He has accused the new PPP Civic Government of making moves to undermine the work of the APNU led municipality.
Just after his re-election today, Mayor Narine said it is time for the Central Government and the municipality to get on with the work of the City.
“I am willing to work along with the Government stop play politics, let us get on with the business of the city, and people’s lives are very important, in this crucial time, it’s a global pandemic. We need to work with Government” Narine emphasized at the meeting.
The Mayor revealed that he has written to the Government on several occasions in his efforts to work along with the administration, but those letters did not get any responses.
“We have extended our arms to Government….We wanted to meet with the Minister, we have met two times, but it seems like pure games and I’m not ready for games. I will stand very firm as Mayor to represent the City and I will do so without fear or favour. The Minster need to get a grip of himself and need to come forward and let us have discussion on projects ” Narine said.
Local Government Minister, Nigel Dharamllal has said he believes that City Hall needs a serious overhaul and an audit before Central Government could start facilitating funds being allocated to the Council as a bailout. He has accused the municipality of misusing funds in the past.
The City Mayor has welcomed the audit, but said it doesn’t appear as if the Local Government Minister is serious about backing up his words with actions.
“Dharamlall said that he wants an audit to happen at City Hall, I welcome it. I said it many times, bring on the audit, we ready for it. I don’t know what happen now” the Mayor said.
The Mayor once again called on business owners and citizens of the city to pay up their property taxes so that the Council could be in a position to address the many issues facing the city.
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