With the operations of the Canawaima ferry suspended to facilitate repairs, the Management of the Guyana Suriname Ferry Service has announced that there will be a temporary relief for persons who have to cross between the two countries.
In a statement today, management announced that the M.B Sandaka will be in operation from May 31, 2019 to June 2, 2019.
It said the window was created to facilitate the return of passengers and vehicles who have been left stranded on both sides.
Once those passengers are ferried across, the service will return to being suspended.
On the days of the temporary operations, the vessel will depart Guyana 9 am and depart Suriname at 11:30am daily.
The ferry service management has also pointed out that the M.B Sandaka cannot accomodate 20ft and 40 ft containers and trucks with height and weight of 3 meters and 2.7 meters.
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